Monday, May 20, 2024

Top Global News

Top Global News provide with the most recently educational information’s, including the news, events, ranking, Accreditation, scholarship and admissions…

Politicized pandemic shaped compliance with social distancing

Politicization of the COVID-19 pandemic had a powerful influence over adherence to social distancing guidelines in the United States and why people did, or did not, comply during the lockdown days, a new study has found.

Targeted elimination of leukemic stem cells

Cancer research in Bern has discovered a further mechanism to combat leukemia: a research team at Inselspital, Bern University Hospital and the University of Bern has succeeded in identifying...

Salt reduction will prevent nearly 200,000 cases of heart disease and save £1.64bn

England’s salt reduction programme will have led to nearly 200,000 fewer adults developing heart disease and £1.64 billion of healthcare cost savings by 2050, according to research by Queen Mary University of London.

New Model More Accurately Predicts How Massive Glaciers Melt

New research by a team that included a Johns Hopkins engineer promises to enable more accurate ice-flow predictions...

Viruses can ‘hijack’ cellular process to block immune response

Research led by McGill University and Queen’s University Belfast has found that viruses can ‘hijack’ an existing molecular process in the cell in order to block the body’s antiviral immune response to a viral infection.

Don’t Focus on Genetic Diversity to Save Our Species

Scientists at the University of Adelaide have challenged the common assumption that genetic diversity of a species is a key indicator of extinction risk.

Making music across the world

As a musician, nothing beats being able to play your music with others. The current pandemic makes that delicate choreography challenging – but not impossible – as our Music Department has shown.

Scientists Link Star-Shredding Event to Origins of Universe’s Highest-Energy Particles

A team of scientists has detected the presence of a high-energy neutrino—a particularly elusive particle—in the wake of a star’s destruction as it is consumed by a black hole.

Crocodile evolution rebooted by Ice Age glaciations

Researchers discover impacts of Ice Age sea level changes in the genomes of Caribbean and Pacific crocodiles in Panama...

Hull York Medical School Identifies Genetic Tendency in Leukaemia Cells

Hull York Medical School clinicians have identified a way of predicting early whether or not patients will develop a common type of Leukaemia, based on their genetics.
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