Monday, June 17, 2024

Top Global News

Top Global News provide with the most recently educational information’s, including the news, events, ranking, Accreditation, scholarship and admissions…

Wood becomes first woman to win $1M Waterman Award in math

The voicemail was extremely unusual. It was from the director of the National Science Foundation (NSF), who asked Melanie Wood to call him right back.

Leading mycology Professor joins Curtin Medical School

Curtin University has welcomed world renowned mycologist, Professor Wieland Meyer as the new Associate Dean of the Curtin Medical School.

Twitter analysis finds national lockdown announcement helped minimise Covid-19 misinformation

A new study by the University of Liverpool has shown that the prevalence of misinformation on Twitter fell in the 48-hour period after Boris Johnson’s announcement of a national lockdown on March 2020.

Getting crafty about sharing the joy of maths

Chaos theory and crochet collide in Christchurch this month. University of Canterbury mathematicians are playfully promoting the art and craft of mathematics through a free public event on Sunday, 23 May.

BBA(IBGM) student Singh Shivang wins the regional final of Hult Prize 2021 Challenge

Congratulations to Shivang Singh (BBA(IBGM), Year 4) who was a member of the winning team “Edilery” in the Hult Prize 2021 Challenge – Regional Final in Manila Impact Summit.

Three undergraduates awarded Goldwater Scholarships to support STEM education

Three University of Chicago undergraduates have received Barry Goldwater Scholarships, awarded annually based on academic merit and undergraduate research in the natural sciences...

UM team wins first prize at 2021 Bank of China Trophy One Million Dollar...

Teams formed by University of Macau (UM) students, namely ‘BrainLightning’ and ‘Medical Cloud Intelligent Clinical Devices Team’, on 5 May won a first prize and a third prize...

HK$12 million CityU grant continues to invigorate local fisheries

The sustainable development of local fisheries is the major beneficiary of a HK$12 million government grant to City University of Hong Kong (CityU).

UBC breaks ground on $23 million renewable energy hub

‘Test bed’ showcases clean energy solutions – receives $5.6 million funding from Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation...

173 PhD Graduates Earn Degrees

The ceremony for the conferment of PhD degrees was held in Room 301 of the Activity Center on April 30.
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