Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Top Global News

Top Global News provide with the most recently educational information’s, including the news, events, ranking, Accreditation, scholarship and admissions…

Childhood trauma linked to pregnancy complications

A study led by University of Queensland researchers has found women who have experienced maltreatment, domestic violence or household substance abuse as children have a higher risk of complications during pregnancy.

UC residency nurtures the fine art of sharing tapa

Traditional bark cloth art is more than a craft according to the University of Canterbury Macmillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies’ 2023 artist in residence.

University of Adelaide and Babcock team up to boost defence talent and skills

A new partnership between the University of Adelaide and Babcock Australasia (Babcock) is set to accelerate Australia’s critical defence industry workforce to support the biggest and most ambitious defence agenda in the nation’s history.

Durham Grad awarded prestigious Kennedy scholarship

Former Durham student, Philippa (Pippa) Frizzelle, has been awarded a prestigious scholarship which will see her pursue further studies at Harvard Law School later this year.

Driving digital transformation in telco

A new five-year agreement between NBN Co and UTS will bring together students, academics and industry experts to tackle challenges facing the telecommunications sector.

When cheating pays – survival strategy of insect uncovered

Researchers have revealed the unique ‘cheating’ strategy a New Zealand insect has developed to avoid being eaten – mimicking a highly toxic species.

Student aerospace team rockets to success in US

A team of Canterbury students are coming back to earth after building and launching a winning rocket 10km into the sky at an international aerospace competition.

Spirit mediums could help unlock tourism secrets – study

Tourism researchers could learn from spirit mediums to develop a better way of researching by embracing ‘nothingness’ and opening themselves up to the mysterious and unseen ‘atmospheres’ that surround us, a new study reveals.

Survey explores impacts of extreme weather events on young people

The research will be used to inform future planning for extreme weather in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Antibiotic-resistant superbugs threaten global health

In this latest Research Tuesdays event, Superbug Solutions, University of Adelaide researchers Katharina Richter and Andrea McWhorter will explain the serious impact...
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