Monday, June 17, 2024

Top Global News

Top Global News provide with the most recently educational information’s, including the news, events, ranking, Accreditation, scholarship and admissions…

Monash researcher receives $8m Snow Medical Foundation Fellowship to ‘unlock nature’s toolbox’ for RNA...

Leading the Knott Lab at Monash’s Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Dr Knott is one of only three researchers in Australia to receive the $8 million, eight-year fellowship to develop Australia’s next generation of biomedical research leaders.

$1.2m funding boost for Parkinson’s disease study

University of Canterbury-led research that could help Parkinson’s disease patients learn more about their risk of dementia has received a million-dollar funding...

Do you believe in luck?

New research reveals culture plays a major part in whether people believe in luck and precognition around the world, more so than age, gender and education combined.

Western celebrates sports achievements with Mustangs Athletic Awards

The 2022-23 athletics season culminated with the 82nd edition of the Mustangs Athletic Awards at Alumni Hall on April 6.

UOW Early Start Discovery Space presents collaborative art experiences with Bundanon

University of Wollongong (UOW) Early Start Discovery Space and South Coast cultural organisation Bundanon have collaborated on new play-based art experiences for children and their adults that consider water in our environment.

QUT Advance Queensland COVID-19 Industry Research Fellowships

Seven QUT researchers have been awarded Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellowships in a round of research funding focused on COVID-19.

Belgian COVID-19 patient re-infected only three months after the initial infection

A Belgian patient had COVID-19 twice. She was reinfected 93 days after the first infection and experienced symptoms in both occasions.

Massey academic presents at workshop to set priorities for international agreement on plastics

The workshop was attended by state representatives from SPREP Pacific Island member countries, as well as the United Kingdom, United States of America, France, New Zealand, and Australia.

After cracking the “sum of cubes” puzzle for 42, mathematicians discover a new solution...

What do you do after solving the answer to life, the universe, and everything? If you’re mathematicians Drew Sutherland and Andy Booker, you go for the harder problem.

Height in humans is genetically similar to height in cattle

There is a strong evidence for similarity in the biology of height across humans and cattle, as 39% of the genes associated with height in cattle were also found to be associated with height in humans.
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