For over 16 years, the British Council has run a well-established Connections through Culture programme, which enables collaboration between creative and cultural professionals in China and the UK. Through brokering connections and offering travel grants, CtC has enabled over 370 creative and cultural professionals to see one another’s work, exchange skills and co-develop projects.
Connections through Culture is designed to be agile, responding to changing sector needs and the wider socio-economic context within the UK and China, and encouraging new collaborations on sustainability, inclusion and gender equality.
We are delighted to announce that our Round 36th grant application is now open! Given international travel is still restricted by the pandemic, grant is designed to support the development of UK-China online collaboration projects.
Although the grants are available to all UK artists, Connections through Culture receives additional specific support from the Scottish government for projects with a Scottish connection.
1.Professional Development Grants – a limited number of small grants to enable artists or members of arts organisations to work with their counterparts in China or the UK online, to develop projects, exchange skills or see others’ work.
2.Alumni Grants* – a limited number of small grants for previous Connections through Culture alumni to access follow-up funding and continue the collaboration online.
What is the value of each grant?
When is the application open?
From 28 June to 1 August 2021
When will the result be out?
Result will be sent to applicants on 16 August 2021
August 2021 to January 2022 | Digital Connections through Culture: to facilitate online networking and exchange between artists and professionals from arts and cultural organisations in China and the UK |
6 December 2021 | Round 37th Grant Application Open: to support the development of UK-China online collaboration projects, and visits between January and June 2022 (depending on travel restrictions) |
How to apply?
Please click the Apply now on this page to submit your application.
*Alumni grants are only available to alumni who received initial grants in the last 3 years, and are designed to be strategic grants to further facilitate collaboration and partnerships.
For more information, please contact: arts@britishcouncil.org.cn