Trinity Business School use classroom skills to help real world crisis

COVID-19 remains the biggest crisis ever to face the aviation industry. Despite this Dublin Airport is open and facilitating repatriation flights and essential cargo flights to ensure Ireland’s supply chain is maintained.

Before the crisis with passenger numbers predicted to double over the next 10 years innovation was at the centre of their development strategy in order to meet these challenge.

With this in mind Dublin airport established the dedicated innovation and business development function, The Future Factory as part of a new 5-year group strategy.

The Future Factory was born with a twofold mandate; Firstly; to stimulate and support innovation initiatives that clearly demonstrate commercial viability and add value by delivering projects that either decrease costs or increase revenue and the wider airport eco-system.

Secondly, to foster a culture of innovation through the development of capabilities across the group – infusing and inspiring creativity and an entrepreneurial mindset throughout the organisation and the wider Dublin Airport eco-system.

The Future Factory approached Trinity Business School [TBS] to develop an innovation programme that combines academic learning with practical real-world projects that align with their strategic goals. These discussions lead to the establishment of The Future Factory Innovation Programme

Designed as a catalyst for people, organisational and eco-system transformation with the aim of embedding a culture of innovation into the airport.

The programme seeks to identify potential leaders with the skills, knowledge and mindset to act as Innovation Ambassadors. The impact of the programme has been astounding and widely recognised. From a funnel of 23 ideas, 3 are now actively in development with a potential estimated value of €1.2 million.

Managing their way through this crisis and working with customers and stakeholders to properly position our business to come back after this crisis are the key priorities for them at the moment and thanks to the students from Trinity Business School this is being allowed to happen.