The University of Sydney has improved or maintained its performance in ten out of the eleven subjects ranked in the latest Times Higher Education subject rankings.

“It’s pleasing to see the University’s excellence being reflected in our competitive performance in these rankings, particularly the strong results for Engineering, Social Science and Computer Science,” said Professor Duncan Ivison, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research).
Engineering (66th globally) and Social Sciences (76th globally) moved 20 and 21 places respectively since the last rankings. Computer Science (70th globally) moved 16 places.
Psychology improved by ten places to rank 31st globally continuing its placement in the top 50 globally, together with Arts and Humanities (44), Clinical and Health (35) and Law (37).
The Time Higher Education (THE) subject rankings are calculated by considering the University’s learning environment, research (volume, income and reputation), citations, international outlook and industry income. Each of the 11 subjects ranked is given its own particular weighting of those factors.
The improvement in many subjects was a result of improved scores in quality teaching indicators, in particular, teaching reputation, as determined by academics around the world.
The University of Sydney has maintained or improved our position in all major rankings in 2020. These include the QS World University Rankings in June (up two places to 40th in the world), ARWU Rankings in August (up six places to 74th in the world), the THE world rankings in September (up nine places to 51st in the world) and the US News rankings in October (holding steady at 27th in the world).
In the QS employability rankings the University is ranked 4th in the world and 1st in Australia.