According to LinkedIn, artificial intelligence specialists, data scientists and engineers are in the top 15 positions of the most sought-after professions in the United States.

“Today, data is one of the largest business resources, therefore it is only natural that the need of the professionals, who can intelligently manage it is only growing”, says Bronė Narkevičienė, the Dean of the KTU Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
The field of data science is developing exponentially and is changing the usual methods of business activities. It is forecasted that by 2025 the global stream of data will reach 175 zettabytes.
“It means that the companies globally and in Lithuania will invest in data management and data analysis professionals”, says Narkevičienė.
According to her, for a good data analyst programming knowledge is not enough – the essential knowledge is obtained through mathematics, logic and algorithmic thinking. In order to become a competitive data scientist, one must combine skills and knowledge in applied mathematics information technologies.
“Mathematics is in the basis of the data science, however, the universal and competitive data scientists have to develop their IT competencies simultaneously”, says Narkevičienė.
Admissions to KTU are open until July 31, 2020.
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