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Tag: United Kingdom Education News

About United Kingdom Education News, Study in United Kingdom, Education in United Kingdom, United Kingdom University, University News, University Ranking, Study Abroad, Online Education, Education News, Education Fairs, Job Opportunities, Graduate Program, Undergraduate Programs, Admissions, etc…

Wirelessly-powered ‘smart bandage’ could provide drug-free wound care

A new generation of wirelessly-powered, environmentally-friendly ‘smart bandages’ could help patients with non-healing wounds avoid infections, scientists say.

Professor honoured for French arts and culture research

A Leeds academic has been honoured by the French government for her contribution to research in French arts and culture.

What’s behind burnout and exhaustion in nursing staff?

A research survey of almost nine-hundred nursing staff has found that long hours combined with poor staffing and little choice in working patterns is likely to be behind nurses burning out and becoming exhausted at work.

New MRI scanning technology to improve clinical accessibility and advance lung...

Revolutionary MRI scans which will improve the diagnosis of lung diseases will benefit from part of a £149 million investment to bring UK business and academics together to accelerate cutting edge research.

Research ‘solves’ mystery of Jupiter’s stunning colour changes

Academics at the University of Leeds believe they could have found the answer to a long-running mystery behind Jupiter’s famous “stripes”.

Brain imaging is on the move with wearable scanning development

New research has demonstrated, for the first time, that a wearable brain scanner can measure brain function whilst people are standing and walking around.

Lancaster academic to help highlight hidden rights for nature around the...

A Lancaster University academic is helping to highlight ‘hidden’ legal rights that could prove critical to protecting nature around the world.

Pint of Science festival returns to Loughborough

Quench your thirst for knowledge and come along to a series of local science talks led by Doctoral Researchers and academics from across the University.

Risk of long COVID higher for people living in most deprived...

New research led by the universities of Southampton and Oxford has found that the risk of long COVID is strongly associated with area-level deprivation, with the odds of having long COVID 46 percent higher for people from the most deprived areas...

Patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal conditions vulnerable to long term opioid...

Patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal conditions are vulnerable to long term opioid use, with up to 1 in 3 of those with rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia potentially at risk, suggest researchers at The University of Manchester.
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